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Ataturk Encyclopedia
Information about the revolutions carried out by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in shaping the future of the Turkish nation, from his birth to his death, and the historical figures of the period.
Turkish World Encyclopedia
An encyclopedia that comprehensively researches the Turkish World from Mete to the present, including a comprehensive research from Turkish state tradition, state histories, traditions, epics, legends to scientific developments.


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Publications have an important place among the activities of Atatürk Research Center. In the first years of the center's establishment, primarily from Atatürk's own works, including his Speech, Discourses and Statements, Circular Telegrams and Declarations, copyrighted works on the content of the concept of Kemalist thought were published.

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En - Atatürk Araştırma Merkezince, vizyonu doğrultusunda, faaliyet alanına giren konularda; başta valilikler olmak üzere, kamu kurum ve kuruluşları, Üniversiteler, sivil toplum kuruluşları ile işbirliği halinde ulusal ve uluslar arası kongre, sempozyum, panel, çalıştay, konferans, vb. etkinlikler gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu kapsamda 1984-2018 yılları arasında geniş katılımlı 8 uluslararası Atatürk Kongresi ile birçok ulusal ve uluslararası sempozyum, kongre, çalıştay, panel ve konferans düzenlenmiştir.


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