
Within the framework of the Prize Regulation (Official Gazette: 22.07.1987 – 19525), Atatürk Research Center awards prizes under the “Affiliate Prize”.

Between 1997-2001, the competitions organized for students in the fields of work and artwork and the prizes awarded are as follows:

In 1997, there were no works eligible for first prize in the Students category.

Second prize was awarded to:

Yaşar Tekdemir’s article titled “Yurtta Sulh, Cihanda Sulh Anlayışı ve Küreselleşen Dünya’daki Yeri

Gonca Özmen’s poem titled “Yarınlara Doğuyoruz”,

Ece Aksop’s poem titled “Beşlikler

Zehra İrek’s poem titled “Bende Bir Atatürk Var”.

Third Prize was awarded to Barış Sarıbaş and Elif Kılınçarslan.

No work was found suitable for first prize in the Work category.

Second prize was awarded to Prof. Dr. Cihan Tura’s book titled “Atatürk Devriminin Temeli: Bilimsel Zihniyet“.

Third prize was awarded to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Sarıkoyuncu’s book titled “Milli Mücadelede Din Adamları I“.

There were no works eligible for first prize in the Artworks category.

Second prize was awarded to Recep Bilginer’s 2-act play titled “Savaştan Barışa, Aşktan Kavgaya“.

Third prize was awarded to the poem titled “Ödevimiz” by Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynel Abidin Makas.

In 1998, there were no works eligible for first prize in the Students category.

Second prize was awarded to S. Sedat Kavlak for his article titled “75 Yılda Neler Yapıldı? Neler Yapılmalı?“, Betül Batır’s article titled “Cumhuriyet’in Oluşumunda Atatürk ve Sonrası” and Çetin Altunok’s article entitled “75 Yılda Neler Yapıldı? Neler Yapılmalı“.

Third prize was awarded to Kenan Kılıç’s article on “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde 75 Yılda Neler Yapılmıştır? Neler Yapılmalıdır?” to Ferruh Zor for his article titled “Yeni Dünya Düzeni ve Türkiye” and Anıl Kılıç’s article entitled “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde 75 Yılda Neler Yapılmıştır, Neler Yapılmalıdır?

In addition, Halil Avşar’s article titled “Cumhuriyet Felsefesi: Çağdaşlaşma“, Ayşe Nihal İshakoğlu’s article titled “Işığa Doğru“, Görkem Günal’s article titled “Atatürk’ün Özlemler“, Osman Turgut’s article titled “Türkiye’de 75 Yılda Neler Yapılmıştır? Neler Yapılmalıdır?” were given certificates, plaques and publications as incentive awards.

In 1999, it was decided that:

First prize in the category of Students would be shared by Durdu ÖZKAN with her article titled “Milli Mücadele’nin Ekonomik Yönü” and Ayşe ARACI with her article titled “Milli Mücadele’nin Askeri Yönü“,

Second Prize would be shared by Yasemin ÇELİK with her article titled “Milli Mücadele’nin Siyasi Yönü“, Zeliha KOÇYİĞİT with her article titled “Aydınlığa Doğru” and Hanife Tuğba AKÇAM with her article titled “Diriliş“,

Third Prize would be shared by Banu BEKİŞOĞLU with her article titled “Milli Mücadele’nin Askeri, Siyasi, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi” and İpek ERKAPLAN with her article titled “Cennetin Anahtarı Anadolu’da“.

Additionally, Mustafa Berke YELTEN, Hayriye ACUCA, Ece BOZ, Günay ÖZCURT, Esengül PEYNİRBAŞARAN and Zübeyde ESEN were granted the Incentive Awards.

In 2001, in the contest in the category of “Illustrated Novel or Computer Animation” themed “Atatürk on the 120th Anniversary of his Birth“, no work was found worthy of first or second prize, and Orhan Dündar’s work titled “Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Roman 2” was awarded third prize.